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Satellite Phones

What Is A Satellite Phone?
satellite telephonesatellite phone, or sat-phone is a type of mobile phone that connects to orbiting satellites instead of terrestrial cell sites. They provide similar functionality to terrestrial mobile telephones; voice, short messaging service and low-bandwidth internet access are supported through most systems.

How much does it cost to have a satellite phone?
You may need to check with Verizon concerning your specific plan (plan on being on hold for a bit). From a Verizon phone to an Iridium Satellite Phone: $6.00 per minute. From a Verizon phone to a Globalstar Satellite Phone: $6.00 per minute. From a Verizon phone to an Inmarsat Satellite Phone: $9.00 per minute.

How do you call satellite phone?
Iridium Global Prepaid Service - 500 Minutes12 mo.$825.00
Iridium Global Prepaid Service - 1000 Minutes24 mo.$1495.00
Iridium Global Prepaid Service - 3000 Minutes24 mo.$3313.00
Iridium Global Prepaid Service - 5000 Minutes24 mo.$4832.00
How much is a satellite phone service?
To answer a call, press the left soft key. To reach you, callers dial their international access code, followed by your satellite phone number. Example: If your Iridiumnumber is 8816 310 12345, callers from North America dial 011 8816 310 12345, callers from Europe dial 00 8816 310 12345.

Can you rent a satellite phone?
If you will only need a satellite phone for short-term or seasonal use, a satellite phone rental may be the best choice for you. Iridium satellite phones will keep you connected anywhere you choose to work or play. The Monthly Rentals now include 25 minutes of airtime! of your satellite phone rental.

Can a satellite phone be tracked?
There are at least three ways to track a satellite phone. ... Finally, satellite phones can be tracked through their own built-in GPS devices or weak encryption protocols. "It is very likely that the GPS location data is transmitted by the sat phonein the clear," reports Safer Mobile

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